Looking to acquire a PT practice?
Looking to sell your PT practice?
The PT Practice Intel Due Diligence package offers a one-time, comprehensive analysis to help determine the value of an opportunity. If looking to acquire, this analysis offers full visibility into the level of risk associated with a purchase. If looking to sell, this analysis proves the health of the compliance and operations of your practice so you can command a price you love.
Our AI analyzes every word of every sentence across 100% of therapists' notes from the past 12 months, returning valuable analytics to assess the compliance, financial, operational, and clinical health of a practice, giving insights into:
All insights can be filtered on elements such as clinic location, therapist, payers, and type of encounter.
Ensure a thorough assessment with the PT Practice Intel Due Diligence Package. For more information, please fill out the form and a member of our team will contact you shortly.