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Free Trial

Try Sidekick for free
for 2 weeks

Powerful ambient listening and smart dictation turn your patient conversations into compliant, accurate notes in seconds, while real-time CPT coding help takes the guesswork out of selecting CPT codes. 

$0 for 2 weeks

$105/mo after trial

Start Now

Skip the trial and get 30% off your first 2 months

Get started with Sidekick now for fast, compliant notes and real-time CPT coding help.

Sidekick is the only AI scribing solution for rehab therapists with compliance and CPT coding help built in to help you thrive in the clinic and go home on time. 

$75 for months 1 & 2

$105/mo after

Bundled & Enterprise Pricing

Happy therapists, healthy business outcomes.

Leverage Sidekick AI scribing and Practice Intel AI insights together to prevent burnout and gain visibility to compliance and coding risk without manual chart reviews.
Experience the kind of business intelligence you can only get with the combination of Practice Intel and Sidekick together.

Still Researching?

Schedule a Demo

We're excited to show you how easy it can be to document compliant notes up to 75% faster and capture every billable unit with real-time CPT feedback.

  • No More Chart Reviews: Practice Intel analyzes every word of every note.

  • Better Use of Functional CPT Codes: Practice Intel identifies "under-coded" CPT code assignments and inefficient minute allocation, while Sidekick's real-time CPT coding help takes the guesswork out of selecting the right CPT codes.

  • The Data to Make Better Business Decisions: Analytics by clinic and provider show you where you have risk and how to fix it.

  • Cut documentation time up to 75%: Give your therapists back their nights, weekends, and lunch hours. 
  • Improve Compliance up to 30% in One Month: Sidekick's ambient listening and smart dictation was built on PT/OT-specific compliance, delivering better documentation compliance in real-time.

What therapists are saying about PredictionHealth

5 stars (1)

"Practice Intel is the most significant thing that has happened to in Physical Therapy in the last 20 years."

- Bob & Jessica Bacci
Bacci & Glinn Physical Therapy